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only $19 monthly. has been in existence for 8 years, but the collection began even earlier, in 1994, and at that time all modifications were published on the packet radio network. In 1994 the internet wasn't as popular as it is today, so the packet net was a great way to download and receive computer information from the whole world.

In 1996 Erik / OZ1TF (OZ2AEP) published all the modifications for the first time on the internet. This was a small homepage and all updates were made manually. The Internet Server was very small and could only hold 10 Mb of files online.

In no time the modifications website became very popular, and the bandwidth for the homepage exceeded the limit, so a new solution had to be found.

In 1998 the modifications were moved to the new domain name All modifications were moved from the small home page to a new homepage that could handle server side scripting and database.
Now all modifications were uploaded into the database (manually) and the administration was now very easy.

In 2003 became so popular that there now could be banners on the site. The design from 1998 was not able to handle banners, so in 2004 the new design was introduced. You are now looking at this new design.

In the beginning of 2006, Erik decided that would change from a 100% free site to a limited free site. This means that if the user would like to use 100%, then the user must donate something. The donation can be an article, manuals or payment by

This is the story of, and I hope it will continue for many years into the future.

The author of , Erik (OZ1TF/OZ2AEP), does not have any technical education in electronics, but he has had electronics as a hobby for many years, and he enjoys the amateur radio hobby very much. Therefore 99.99% of the modifications on are from users who have uploaded these, and I am very grateful for this because without these uploads would not have become this great site.

My radio setup changes all the time, but normally I work on all band from 160 meter to the 70 cm band. Locally I am available on the Ringsted repeater UHF 434.625 MHz.

Currently Erik has a Yaesu FT-897, FT-470, and VX-7r. The antennas are a 4 element beam for 6 meters, 7 element 10-15-20 meter beam, and very soon a beam for the 2 meter band; I think it will be about 6 elements. I also have a longwire for the bands below the 20 meter band.

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