mods.dk is the best web site on the Internet for finding modifications to amateur radio equipment. We couldn't do this, however, without users all over the world sending modifications to mods.dk. We are grateful for these contributions.
You can help mods.dk improve this site. If you have one of the following, please contact mods.dk.
- A modification to improve a piece of amateur radio equipment that you can't find on this site.
- A picture of a radio, microphone, power supply, modem, etc. that is not on this site. (Please do not send pictures of advanced test equipment like spectrum analyzers, rf generators, etc.)
- Owners' manuals, service manuals, or instruction manuals (not brochures or leaflets).
- Pictures from inside radios, microphones, power supplies, modems, etc.
If some of your files are extremely large, I have an ftp server that you can use to upload them to mods.dk.