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Welcome to mods.dk, the best site on the internet for modifications repair instructions and improvement of HAM rigs, HAM modems, etc.

Here you will find modifications of many types of HAM radios, microphones, power supplies, modems etc. You can find how to modify a radio to receive and transmit out of range, you can find how to modify a radio to use high speed packet modems, and how to modify the radio/modem to get better performance.

Right now the database contains 6169 articles. Use the navigation menu on the left side to easy find your equipment. You can also use the search option, it is very fast. See the search help link for more information.

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Before you do anything, please read this.!

The modifications are not verified and tested by mods.dk, so if you try some of the article on your own equipment, it's on your own risk.

Performing modifications of some equipment may be a violation of local laws. If you have any doubts, do not perform the modification.

Have you problem with an article that doesn't work, don't contact mods.dk for help. Contact the author of the modification - if available, or write a message in the forum about the problem. Any messages to mods.dk about article that doesn't work will not be answered.

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